Services - Automobile Incident Report

ATBE Automobile Fund Incident Report
Instructions: An authorized representative of an ATBE Covered Party is to use this form to report to ATBE, within 7 days of the Incident, an Incident involving a Member board owned or Covered Party operated Covered Automobile, as defined in the Coverage Agreement. Transmit with this form or immediately upon receipt, if after submission of this form, a copy of the official police accident report and all supporting documentation as instructed below.
Note that a Claim or Loss should be submitted separate from the Incident Report and pursuant to the Notice of AL Claim Procedure or Notice of APD Loss Procedure. Reporting an Incident is separate from and does not constitute an ATBE AL Claim nor an ATBE APD Loss.
Submit this form and all documents/photos/videos to ATBE, via E-Mail:
Complete the form below OR
download and print the form and return it and all documents to ATBE: