Services - Medicaid-Direct Bill

Medicaid Administrative Claiming and Direct Billing
In partnership with Fairbanks LLC, the Alabama Association of School Boards offers two distinct Medicaid reimbursement programs for school systems. Since these dollars are not earmarked, school systems can direct them toward important operational and academic needs.
Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) allows for federal Medicaid reimbursement for coordination of medical and mental health related services covered by Medicaid, linking students to Medicaid services and other administrative activities.
Direct Billing (also called Fee for Service)
Direct Billing enables local school boards to recapture funds for providing such services as speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy directly to Medicaid-eligible students. The process is easy-to-manage, and training is provided. Millions of dollars are reclaimed each year for Alabama's boards of education, unearmarked funding that can beused to meet vital needs.
To Learn More
Contact AASB or call 334.277.9700 to participate.