Services - Automobile Add/Delete

ATBE Automobile Fund
Add To or Delete From Coverage a Vehicle
To add a Covered Automobile to or delete a Covered Automobile from the ATBE Automobile Fund Schedule of Vehicles for Automobile Liability (AL) coverage an authorized employee of the ATBE Member board must complete the form below or e-mail all the information listed in the form to
To add a Covered Automobile to or delete a Covered Automobile from the ATBE Automobile Fund Schedule of Vehicles for Automobile Physical Damage (APD) coverage an authorized employee of the ATBE Member board must complete the form below, including answering in the affirmative relative to APD coverage and provide the original purchase price and date of purchase for each vehicle or e-mail all the information listed in the form to Note that to be added to the ATBE Automobile Fund Schedule of Vehicles for APD coverage a vehicle must satisfy the ATBE Automobile Fund Underwriting Guidelines for APD Coverage.
For coverage purposes a vehicle may not be added or deleted retroactively and the vehicle must be owned by the Member or leased by the Member for a period of thirty (30) days or more pursuant to an agreement or contract voted on, approved by, and recorded in the minutes of the Member.
Please direct inquiries relating to changes to the ATBE Automobile Fund Schedules of Vehicles to