Services - Automobile AL Claim Procedure

ATBE Automobile Fund Notice of AL Claim Procedure
(For ATBE Member boards of education and ATBE Covered Parties)
1. Report All Incidents within 7 days of Incident
All Incidents involving a Member (board of education) owned or Covered Party operated Covered Automobile, as defined in the Coverage Agreement, should be reported by the Covered Party or an authorized representative of the Covered Party within 7 days of the Incident by submitting to the Fund or its designee at the contact information below a completed ATBE Automobile Fund Incident Report form and all supporting documents.
2. Submit Claims within 15 days of receipt by Covered Party
As a condition precedent to any coverage provided by the applicable ATBE Coverage Agreement or any endorsements thereto the Covered Party must given written notice, or assure written notice is provided by an authorized representative of the Covered Party, to the Fund or its designee for receipt by the Fund or its designee within 15 days after receipt of any Claim by a Covered Party. ATBE coverage will not apply to a Claim not in compliance with the Automobile Fund Notice of AL Claim Procedure, including that ATBE coverage will not apply to a Claim that is received by the Fund or its designee more than 15 days after receipt by a Covered Party.
(a) All non-litigated Claims for personal injury or property damage allegedly arising from an Incident must be reported to the Fund or its designee by submitting the Claim to the contact information below for receipt within 15 days after receipt by a Covered Party. To assert a non-litigated Claim the claimant (individual or entity asserting a Claim) should complete and submit to the Covered Party the ATBE Automobile Fund Claim for Property Damage / Personal Injury form (or ATBE Automobile Fund Subrogation Claim for Property Damage/Personal Injury form for an entity electing to assert a subrogation Claim) and all supporting documentation requested by ATBE.
- Download Claim for Property Damage / Personal Injury Form (PDF File)
- Download Subrogation Claim for Property Damage / Personal Injury Form (PDF File)
(b) For Litigation, including litigated Claims, a Covered Party or their authorized representative must provide to the contact information below for receipt by the Fund or its designee within 15 days after service of any Claim on a Covered Party (1) a copy of the Complaint served on the Covered Party and (2) the date of service of the Complaint on the Covered Party.
The Member nor Covered Party, nor representative or agent of the Member or Covered Party shall NOT admit any liability, offer to settle or settle any Claim, incur any cost (including but not limited to authorizing any medical care expenses, repairs to a claimant’s vehicle, or rental of an automobile by a claimant), or retain any attorney, the cost of which the Member or Covered Party expects ATBE to pay.
ATBE Automobile Liability Coverage is subject to a $2,000.00 per Claim Deductible.
Reporting Contact Information
(solely for use by ATBE member boards of education and ATBE Covered Parties)
- Via E-Mail:
(Note: All Covered Parties, including but not limited to Employees of the Member (board of education) must comply with the provisions herein, including assuring that all Claims are timely reported.)