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President-Elect Nominations & District Director Elections 2024

District Director and President-Elect Nominations (2024)


President-Elect Nominations & District Director Elections 2024

AASB currently is holding director elections for Districts 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9. Nominations must be made in writing and postmarked or received by Sept. 1. District directors serve two-year terms and can serve two, complete terms. 

Download Nomination Form (Fillable PDF) | Download Nomination Form

  • Current District 1 Director Ann Peach has completed her first, two-year term and is eligible for another.
  • Current District 3 Director Melanie Hill is eligible for her first, two-year term. Melanie was appointed in December 2023 to serve the remaining term of Rev. Russell Clausell, who was elected AASB's President-Elect.  
  • Current District 5 Director Derek Henderson is completing his first two-year term and is eligible for another.
  • Current District 7 Director Randy Smalley is completing his first two-year term and is eligible for another.  
  • Current District 9 Director Alice Lessmann is completing her first two-year term and is eligible for another. 

Nomination Forms Received

The following nomination forms have been received:

District 1: Ann Peach of Brewton (incumbent); Darryl Perryman of Clarke County; Jim Davis of Thomasville

District 3: Melanie Hill of Dothan (incumbent)

District 5: Derek Henderson of Alabaster (incumbent)

District 7: Randy Smalley of Tuscaloosa County (incumbent)

District 9: Alice Lessmann of Madison City (incumbent)


Ballots listing eligible nominees will be mailed to district members by Oct. 1. Each board within a district gets one vote. The board president will certify that action was taken at a board meeting to choose a candidate, and the ballot must be returned to AASB by Oct. 31. If only one person is nominated, he or she automatically becomes district director. 

View additional information about the District Director Election Process

President-Elect Nominations 

Current AASB President-Elect Russell Clausell (Geneva City BOE) will become President at the close of AASB's annual Convention Dec. 6 - 8, 2024. AASB is seeking nominations for President-Elect. The President-Elect will serve a one-year term. According to AASB's bylaws, candidates for election to an elective office must have served on the AASB Board of Directors; however, such service need not be consecutive to the individual's candidacy for or term of elective office. 

President-Elect self-nomination forms have been mailed to members and are due to AASB's executive director on or before Sept. 1. Questions can be directed to AASB Executive Director Sally Smith at 334-277-9700 or to Nominating Committee Chair and AASB Immediate Mary Hooks at 334-782-0354. 

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