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ON-2021-06-24 Board Member Orientations

Register for Upcoming Board Member Orientations


ON-2021-06-24 Board Member Orientations

Whether you are a new school board member eager to learn the nuts and bolts of school board service or a veteran member in need of a refresher, AASB's orientation courses provide a wealth of information to strengthen leadership and boardmanship skills. In addition, orientation provides an excellent team-building opportunity for superintendents and new school board members to attend together. 

The state requires all local school board members to complete certain orientation courses at least once. By taking both parts of AASB's orientation, members not only meet this requirement, but also the state ethics training requirement.

Roles & Responsibilities - July 16

Part I of AASB's school board member orientation, Roles & Responsibilities  covers the role of the board and the superintendent, the Open Meetings Act, the ethics law, and much more. The course will be offered Friday, July 16 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the AASB office in Montgomery. Attendees will earn 8 training hours. 
Effective Boards & Relationships - July 17

Part II of AASB's school board member orientation, Effective Boards & Relationships  takes an in-depth look at effective school board leadership, how your board should work with its superintendent and board attorney, and the art of advocacy. The course will be offered Saturday, July 17 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the AASB office in Montgomery. Attendees will earn 6 training hours. 




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