Volunteer to Serve on an AASB Committee
Grow Your Involvement: Volunteer for an AASB Committee
Would you like to take a more active role in AASB? Now is the time to consider volunteering to serve on an AASB committee. Committee members are appointed for one-year terms by the association’s president and with the approval of the AASB Board of Directors. Most committees meet once or twice a year.
Committees include:
- Advocacy Committee: Assists with developing strategies to enhance AASB's education policy advocacy.
- Board Training Advisory Committee: Assists with planning conferences/convention and district meetings
- Bylaws Committee: Reviews bylaws governing AASB. Meets by conference call prior to convention and attends pre-Delegate Assembly
hearing and Delegate Assembly.
- Equity Committee: Assists in creating awareness of unique needs of diverse membership and student population. Develops goals aligned
with AASB’s advocacy efforts.
- Resolutions Committee: Assists with reviewing and revising educational and legislative positions. Usually meets once a year but could meet twice in 2024, depending upon number of proposed changes. Members also are asked to attend pre-Delegate Assembly hearing and Delegate Assembly.
- Nominating Committee: Nominates individuals for association offices.
How to Volunteer
To volunteer, complete the “Get Involved” form on AASB’s website or notify AASB Executive Director Sally Smith by Feb. 14, 2025, at exec@AlabamaSchoolBoards.org. Also, if you're interested in serving in other capacities such as the State Textbook Committee or other statewide task forces on education issues, please let us know that as well.