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Board Member Spotlight: Rosalyn Langston

Meet Rosalyn Langston


Board Member Spotlight: Rosalyn Langston

Each month, we'll be featuring school board members in an effort to learn more about the wonderful individuals serving on our boards!

Rosalyn Houston Langston joined the Roanoke City Board of Education in 2014 and currently serves as board president. She is determined to do all she can to support the students in her community and make a difference in their lives.

Read below to learn more about Rosalyn!

Q: What is your current occupation?

A: I’m retired. I previously served in the US Navy and then worked as the Randolph County Veterans’ Service Officer.

Q: How long have you been on the school board and what inspired you to run?

A: I have been on the board for 10 years. I was appointed by the Roanoke City Council.

Q: What do you enjoy most about being a school board member?

A: I enjoy having the opportunity to contribute directly to the education and well-being of students in the community.

Q: What is one lesson you've learned since becoming a board member?

A: One very important lesson that I have learned is the importance of effective communication, collaboration, and compromise in achieving the best possible outcomes for all stakeholders involved.

Q: Is there anything you are particularly proud of your board for accomplishing? Anything you’re looking forward to accomplishing with them? 

A: I am super proud of our Outdoor Education Center (OEC). The OEC hosts a 60-by-40-foot greenhouse that is filled with ferns, geraniums, petunias and other flowering baskets. There are three catfish ponds and two gardens where students plant corn, tomatoes, squash, beans, collards and turnip greens. Any plants that aren't taken off the Handley High farm are taken to the Roanoke ACE store or a local flea market, where students keep up with sales, inventory and restocking. The students feed and water chickens, then collect and sell their eggs. There are about 14 beehive boxes where the students man the hives, take out the combs and use top-of-the-line beekeeping equipment to fill 32-ounce bottles with pure honey that is sold within the community.

Q: What’s one piece of advice you would share with an incoming board member?

A: One valuable piece of advice for an incoming school board member is to listen and learn from the other board members. It’s important to approach the role with an open mind and a willingness to collaborate and compromise. 

Q: Outside of working with the board, what are some of your hobbies? 

A:  I make beaded jewelry and play word games on my phone!


Q: Finish the sentence. One thing you should know about me is…

A: I’m passionate about helping others and making a difference.

Q: Do you have an inspirational quote or mantra that keeps you going?

A:  "Right has never wronged anyone!"


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