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Board Member Spotlight: Felecia Minor

Meet Felecia Minor


Board Member Spotlight: Felecia Minor

Each month, we'll be featuring school board members in an effort to learn more about the wonderful individuals serving on our boards!

Felecia Minor joined the Midfield school board in 2014 with the goal of being a part of the change she hoped to see in her school system. She is a proud advocate for the youth in her community and is always looking for a way to support the schools in her system. 

Read below to learn more about Felecia!

Q: What is your current occupation?

A: I have been a commercial loan underwriter with Regions Bank for the last 12 years.

Q: How long have you been on the school board and what inspired you to run?

A: I joined the Midfield City school board in 2014. I was inspired to join because my children attended school in the system, and I wasn’t happy with things. I wanted to make sure the focus remained on kids and not adults.

Q: What do you enjoy most about being a school board member?

A: I love to help our kids. I feel like our kids have a lot of obstacles to overcome, so we need board members that are willing to do what is best for them. I love attending school events and watching the talents that our kids bring to the table. 

Q: What is one lesson you've learned since becoming a board member?

A: I have learned that everyone's opinion matters and that kids just want someone to believe in them. We as board members hold a great responsibility to help our kids.

Q: Is there anything you are particularly proud of your board for accomplishing? Anything you’re looking forward to accomplishing with them? 

A: I am so proud of the fact we have turned our schools around. We have hired wonderful and caring principals, and a great compassionate superintendent. We have completed renovations on our performing arts building, purchased more buses and much more!  But I am most proud that we work together as a great board.

Q: What’s one piece of advice you would share with an incoming board member?

A: The advice I would share with an incoming board member would be to compromise, be patient and listen. Listen to what the needs are of your school system and make the correct decisions in board matters.  

Q: Outside of working with the board, what are some of your hobbies? 

A: My hobbies are reading and working with the youth department at church. I love working with kids and they are drawn to me!


Q: Finish the sentence. One thing you should know about me is…

A: I will always greet you with a warm smile, always.

Q: Do you have an inspirational quote or mantra that keeps you going?

A:  My favorite quote which my mother instilled in me is: “Treat people as you would want to be treated."


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