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Board Member Spotlight: David Yarber (Copy-1)

Meet David Yarber


Board Member Spotlight: David Yarber (Copy-1)

Each month we'll be featuring school board members in an effort to learn more about the wonderful individuals serving on our boards!

David Yarber joined the Colbert school board in 2018 and has reached level 3 of the School Board Member Academy. With a passion for serving others, David has been involved in community service efforts for over 20 years. Joining the school board has allowed him to focus on making a difference in the lives of schoolchildren.

Read below to learn more about David!

What is your current occupation?  

I am a senior program and project manager for Engineered Solutions, Inc. We are a multifaceted engineering firm home-based in Limestone County specializing in nuclear power design and construction. I handle projects in Spring City, TN, Chattanooga, TN and Athens, AL.


What inspired you to join the school board?

I’ve been involved in community service and politics for over 23 years having served on the Muscle Shoals City Council for 4 years, 12 years on the Muscle Shoals Utilities Board and for the past 4 years on the Colbert County Board of Education. The board of education seemed to be a good fit for my ideas and my vision for the future of our area. 

What is your favorite part about being a school board member?

Being able to make a positive difference in the lives of children and young people.

What’s one thing you’ve learned since becoming a board member?

Teaching is a very hard and difficult occupation and requires support from administration and the community to be successful. Choosing to teach is a calling rather than just a career decision. Trying to help my grandchildren during their time off for the pandemic proved to me I made a wise decision to enter the engineering and construction world and not the teaching profession. Our school personnel nationwide are today’s real heroes and should be recognized honored as such. 


Is there anything you are particularly proud of accomplishing as a board member? 

Establishing a vision for the good of the school system, turning that vision into a plan and implementing the plan to a successful completion.


What are some of your hobbies?

Being a grandfather of 3 beautiful grandkids, taking care of them and attending all their school functions is my main passion. Since I live on a golf course, I play golf whenever possible.


Is there a fun or interesting fact you would like to share about yourself? 

I always try to help those less fortunate in any way possible and have successfully instilled that same ethic in my children. Being a paid board member, I have been able to donate all the compensation received to help numerous school groups and charitable organizations in the state.


Do you have a favorite inspirational quote you can share with us?

"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." 


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