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District Director Elections Now Underway



Nominations currently are open for director elections in AASB Districts 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9. Ballots have been mailed, and nominations must be made in writing and postmarked or received by Sept. 1. Download nomination form.

Each board must exercise this vote by official board action at a board meeting and has one vote. AASB will inform the district membership of the candidates by Oct. 1. Ballots will be mailed, and nominations must be made in writing and postmarked or received by Oct. 31.

Directors must be a member of a school board which is a member of AASB. District director elections are governed by AASB Bylaws.

District 1 Director Shannon Cauley, District 3 Director Greg Price, District 5 Director Renna Soles Scott and District 7 Director Brad Ingle all are completing their first full two-year term and are eligible for another. District 9 Director Connie Spears is not seeking re-election. District directors serve two-year terms and can serve two complete terms.

To date, we have received the following nomination forms for the District Director elections:

District 2 - Mike Oakley

District 4 - Gail Holley

District 4 - Mary Hooks

District 4 - Melissa Snowden

District 6 - David Gilmore

District 6 - Dr. Mary Harrington

D istrict 6 - Marie Manning

District 8 - Ronnie Owens

District 8 - Jennifer Manville


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